Mhmmmmmmm. This is hard. I’d say just tell them how you feel and that you need their support through this big change in your life. Maybe don’t immediately bring up the idea of being their daughter because I’m sure that would be very jarring as a parent. This conversation may have to carry over for a couple days. I’d wait a while to ask them to start calling you charlotte and their daughter. Unless they already know, they’ll almost definitely be VERY shocked. Maybe try to speak slowly and lay it down soft. Don’t blurt out your words. Explain how long you’ve felt this way and you wish they would accept you for who you are and not try to change you. Understand that there may be some negative feelings on both sides about the situation. Also, understand that this could possibly be dangerous. I don’t know your parents well enough to guess what they’ll do so make an effort to avoid any and all physical harm. Also, while it may not be the best option, you could wait until you move out and are no longer under their authority to come out. Of course, this is just some of my ideas and you can do with it what you will but i wish you luck.